International Conference on
Applied Density Functional Theory
January 14-17, 2001

dedicated to Karlheinz Schwarz
on occasion of his 60th birthday

Honorary Chairman: Walter Kohn

Scientific Program

January 14
January 15
January 16
January 17


The Conference
Conference Book
Information Organization

Review of the second day
January 15, 2001

Ole Andersen chairing the morning session

Dimitrios Papaconstantopoulos giving us insight in the NRL Tight Binding method

Helmut Eschrig using FPLO to prove that we are right

Georg Madsen throwing around local orbitals

David asking charming questions

Nino Russo on DFT application on biomolecular systems

Karsten Reuter and his surfaces...

Stefaan Cottenier throwing electric field gradients on us

Klaus Hermann, chairman of the afternoon

Borje Johansson, jet-set scientist, dropping in for a few actinides

Lothar Fritsche on spin-orbit coupling

Martin Divis lets crystal fields act on 4f states

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